Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As I watch my mother fade with age, I realize how fortunate I was to have a mom like her. She was always there for my brother and me, supporting us (she never missed one of our ballgames, even when we didn't play), playing games with us (rummy, yahtze, parchessi, etc.) putting up with me and my brother's antics (like shooting baskets in the kitchen over her into a bucket while she cooked dinner), chauferring us everywhere (getting a ticket for running a stop sign while taking me to a formal dance) and teaching us so many things (cooking, cleaning, sewing, and especially how to clam dig). She is not the same person today but I have comfort in my memories.

Maybe there is truth that boys look for a girl to marry like their mother, That appears to be the case with me. My wife is the kindest, hardest working, least selfserving person...just like mom. She is so much like my mom in all the good ways and has done all of the above for our children (well maybe not the clam digging, but many other things). Our children have been just as fortunate to have her for a mother. She has always been there for them with great sacrifice of herself. And now she gets to influence our grandchildren.
And our children are turing out to be better parents that we are. I am so impressed with their personal accomplishments and the good people that they are. If I have one great hope, it is that my children will be better than me.

And grandchildren are more fun than I ever imagined. I did not grow up associating much with my grandparents and I think I missed something.
Today I realized that in one week I will be eligible for early retirement if I wanted to (I don't and can't). I never thought I'd be so old. There are not many thing I would have done differently if could (mostly I would have gone with my best friend on that cross-county trip after high school), but mostly I wouldn't have jeopardized the events that led to having the wife and children that I do. They are my joy.

I was thinking of the things I' like to do that I haven't done. There are so many but one thng I've always wanted to do, and we've talked about often, is coach a baseball team with my son. Not a great team, but one where the kids are fun and want to learn the game. And moms could come sit in the stands and support their boys like mine did and like my wife did. That would be a summer to remember.


J said...

The only word I can possibly think of that decribes how I feel after reading that post is "WOW!" That post made me ball like a baby. The reason I want to have my practice in Oregon is so you and I will be able to coach a baseball team together; that's high on my list of goals as well.

M said...

Yeah, I really liked that post as well. I'm not sure I agree with the part about my parenting skills. Have you noticed the lovely behavior of my 4-year old?

Myndi said...

Thanks for your thoughts on this subject; I wish you would talk more about your childhood. You may be surprised but I like hearing about it.

I've been thinking a lot about the subject of your post over the last couple of months. I feel blessed to have been born into this family. I think Grandma is the epitome of what a grandmother should be; and then there is Mom, watching her with Baby and me overcame me with gratitude and humility. Good thing for Grandmas.